
Momentum Strategy

  • Qingyi (Freda) Song Drechsler, Ph.D.
  • May 2020

0. Import Relevant Packages

  • WRDS package for connecting to WRDS server and query data
  • Pandas, Numpy, etc
  • Matplotlib for charting
In [ ]:
import wrds
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from pandas.tseries.offsets import *
from scipy import stats
import datetime as dt

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

1. Connect to WRDS Server

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# Connect to WRDS #

2. Query CRSP Database

  • Get monthly return data
  • For common share (share code 10 & 11)
  • Following J&T (1993) specification
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# CRSP Block      #
# added exchcd=-2,-1,0 to address the issue that stocks temp stopped trading
# without exchcd=-2,-1, 0 the non-trading months will be tossed out in the output
# Code  Definition
# -2 Halted by the NYSE or AMEX
# -1 Suspended by the NYSE, AMEX, or NASDAQ
# 0 Not Trading on NYSE, AMEX, or NASDAQ
# 1 New York Stock Exchange
# 2 American Stock Exchange

crsp_m = conn.raw_sql("""
                      select a.permno, a.date, a.ret,
                      b.shrcd, b.exchcd
                      from crspm.msf as a
                      left join crspm.msenames as b
                      on a.permno=b.permno
                      and b.namedt<=a.date
                      and a.date<=b.nameendt
                      where a.date between '01/01/1963' and '12/31/1989'
                      and b.exchcd between -2 and 2
                      and b.shrcd between 10 and 11
                      """, date_cols=['date'])  
In [ ]:
# Change variable format to int

# fill in missing return with 0
crsp_m['ret'] = crsp_m['ret'].fillna(0)

# create log return for future usage
crsp_m['logret'] = np.log(1+crsp_m['ret'])
In [ ]:

3. Calculate Formation Period Returns

  • J = Formation Period Length
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# Create Momentum Portfolio                           #
# Measures Based on Past (J) Month Compounded Returns #

J = 6 # Formation Period Length: J can be between 3 to 12 months

_tmp_crsp = crsp_m[['permno','date','ret','logret']].sort_values(['permno','date']).set_index('date')

# Calculate Rolling Cumulative Return in the Formation Period
# By summing log returns over the J month formation period

umd = _tmp_crsp.groupby(['permno'])['logret'].rolling(J, min_periods=J).sum().reset_index()
umd = umd.rename(columns={'logret':'sumlogret'})

# Then exp the sum log return to get compound return (not necessary) 
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4. Form Portfolios

  • Momentum Rank (momr) = 1 for past losers
  • Momentum Rank (momr) = 10 for past winners
In [ ]:
# Formation of 10 Momentum Portfolios  #

# For each date: assign ranking 1-10 based on cumret
# 1=lowest 10=highest cumret
umd=umd.dropna(axis=0, subset=['cumret'])
umd['momr']=umd.groupby('date')['cumret'].transform(lambda x: pd.qcut(x, 10, labels=False))

# shift momr from 0-9 to 1-10

In [ ]:
# Examine distribution of cumret by momr


5. Calculate Holding Period Return

  • K = Holding Period Length
  • Several key date variables:
    • hdate1 = start date of holding period
    • hdate2 = end date of holding period (determined by K)
In [ ]:
# First lineup date to month end date medate
# Then calculate hdate1 and hdate2 using medate

K = 6 # Holding Period Length: K can be between 3 to 12 months

umd['form_date'] = umd['date']
umd['medate'] = umd['date']+MonthEnd(0)
umd = umd[['permno', 'form_date','momr','hdate1','hdate2']]
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
# join rank and return data together
# note: this step mimicks the following proc sql statement from SAS code and takes a while to run
proc sql;
    create table umd2
    as select distinct a.momr, a.form_date, a.permno, b.date, b.ret
    from umd as a, crsp_m as b
    where a.permno=b.permno
    and a.HDATE1<=b.date<=a.HDATE2;

port = pd.merge(crsp_m[['permno','date','ret']], umd, on=['permno'], how='inner')
port = port[(port['hdate1']<=port['date']) & (port['date']<=port['hdate2'])]

# Rearrange the columns;
port = port[['permno','form_date', 'momr', 'hdate1','hdate2', 'date', 'ret']]

Let's inspect the output:

  • One permno on one portfolio formation month
In [ ]:
# Example using 
port.loc[(port.permno==93172) & (port.form_date == '03/31/1986')]

6. Calculate Portfolio Return

  • Equal weighted return
  • At a given month, across all stocks within a momentum rank formed from a specific formation date
In [ ]:
umd_port = port.groupby(['date','momr', 'form_date'])['ret'].mean().reset_index()

# Skip first two years of the sample 
start_yr = umd_port.date.dt.year.min()+2
umd_port = umd_port.loc[umd_port.date.dt.year>=start_yr]
umd_port = umd_port.sort_values(by=['date','momr'])


Then for a given month and momentum rank, average again across all formation dates

In [ ]:
# Create one return series per MOM group every month
ewret = umd_port.groupby(['date','momr'])['ret'].mean().reset_index()
ewstd = umd_port.groupby(['date','momr'])['ret'].std().reset_index()

ewret = ewret.rename(columns={'ret':'ewret'})
ewstd = ewstd.rename(columns={'ret':'ewretstd'})

ewretdf = pd.merge(ewret, ewstd, on=['date','momr'], how='inner')
ewretdf = ewretdf.sort_values(by=['momr', 'date'])

In [ ]:
# portfolio summary
ewretdf.groupby(['momr'])['ewret'].describe()[['count','mean', 'std']].reset_index()

7. Calculate Long Short Portfolio Returns

  • Each month, MOMR=10 (winners) portfolio - MOMR=1 (losers) portfolio
In [ ]:
# Long-Short Portfolio Returns  #

# Transpose portfolio layout to have columns as portfolio returns
ewret_t = ewretdf.pivot(index='date', columns='momr', values='ewret')

# Add prefix port in front of each column
ewret_t = ewret_t.add_prefix('port')
ewret_t = ewret_t.rename(columns={'port1':'losers', 'port10':'winners'})
ewret_t['long_short'] = ewret_t.winners - ewret_t.losers

In [ ]:
# Compute Long-Short Portfolio Cumulative Returns

ewret_t['cumret_winners']   = (1+ewret_t.winners).cumprod()-1
ewret_t['cumret_losers']    = (1+ewret_t.losers).cumprod()-1
ewret_t['cumret_long_short']= (1+ewret_t.long_short).cumprod()-1
In [ ]:
# Portfolio Summary Statistics  #

# Mean 
mom_mean = ewret_t[['winners', 'losers', 'long_short']].mean().to_frame()
mom_mean = mom_mean.rename(columns={0:'mean'}).reset_index()
In [ ]:
# T-Value and P-Value
t_losers = pd.Series(stats.ttest_1samp(ewret_t['losers'],0.0)).to_frame().T
t_winners = pd.Series(stats.ttest_1samp(ewret_t['winners'],0.0)).to_frame().T
t_long_short = pd.Series(stats.ttest_1samp(ewret_t['long_short'],0.0)).to_frame().T

In [ ]:
t_output =pd.concat([t_winners, t_losers, t_long_short])\
    .rename(columns={0:'t-stat', 1:'p-value'})

# Combine mean, t and p and format output
mom_output = pd.merge(mom_mean, t_output, on=['momr'], how='inner')

mom_output['mean'] = mom_output['mean'].map('{:.2%}'.format)
mom_output['t-stat'] = mom_output['t-stat'].map('{:.2f}'.format)
mom_output['p-value'] = mom_output['p-value'].map('{:.3f}'.format)

print('Momentum Strategy Summary:\n\n', mom_output)

8. Plotting the Return Series

  • Use Matplotlib.pyplot
  • Many other ways to plot (pandas native plot or seaborn)
In [ ]:
plt.suptitle('Momentum Strategy', fontsize=20)
ax1 = plt.subplot(211)
ax1.set_title('Long/Short Momentum Strategy', fontsize=15)
ax1.set_xlim([dt.datetime(1965,1,1), dt.datetime(1989,12,31)])
ax2 = plt.subplot(212)
ax2.set_title('Cumulative Momentum Portfolios', fontsize=15)
ax2.plot(ewret_t['cumret_winners'], 'b-', ewret_t['cumret_losers'], 'r--')
ax2.set_xlim([dt.datetime(1965,1,1), dt.datetime(1989,12,31)])
ax2.legend(('Winners','Losers'), loc='upper left', shadow=True)
plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.92, hspace=0.2)

The End

Thank you!